Friday, April 20, 2012

17 European deputies inspect on the humanitarian aid in Tindouf Camps beginning of May 2012

The European parliament designated a delegation of  17 European deputies  directed by Udo Bullman of the German Social Democratic Party , to conduct a visit in Tindouf beginning of May 2012.The main purpose of the visit is to  conduct an audit  on the humanitarian aids  destined for the population of Tindouf.

This decision was taken on April 4  after the conclusions of three commissions of inquiry  which submitted the results of the reports in March 2012.The scandalous conclusions were pointed to  the Polisario leadership and its systematic exploitation and misappropriation of humanitarian aid.

The inspection of the 17 European deputies will take 15 days through which a report will be submitted and discussed in  September 2012 in Brussels at the Plenary European parliamentary meeting . 

Moroccans Expelled from Algeria, a Bitter Memory That Still Haunts Us

In March of this year, I had the pleasure of participating in the 19th session of the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva. I met and worked with human rights activists from across the globe, and I was moved by their stories of injustice, persecution and oppression.  Inspired by the proceedings of this meeting, I decided to write this article in order to shed light on the plight of 45,000 Moroccan families who were expelled from Algeria in 1975 in the aftermath of the Green March.
After more than thirty five years of suffering and struggle for justice, hundreds of thousands of Moroccans finally broke their silence and sued the Algerian state, in the person of its President Abdul-Aziz Bouteflika. In an effort to coordinate their activities, the displaced Moroccans formed associations and sections in many parts of the world, to better advocate for their rights.  The associations are especially keen on recovering expropriated property taken by Algerian military junta, who decided to punish Moroccans for their country’s decision to reintegrate its Sahara.
Under the orders of President Houari Boumediane, Mr. Bouteflika, foreign minister at the time,   carried out the expulsion without adequate notice and in abominable conditions. Entire Moroccan communities were uprooted from their dwellings in Algiers, Oran, Tlemcen, Annaba, and Constantine. In fact up until now, Algeria continues to turn a blind eye to this injustice and refuses to give the victims a satisfactory explanation for its inhuman actions.
Most of the expelled Moroccan families were very well established in Algeria.  Many ran businesses, held very good jobs, owned homes and had family ties throughout Algeria. Through no fault of their own, and due to pure political posturing, their lives were demolished when all their belongings and properties were seized and their businesses closed. But perhaps the most tragic consequence of the expulsion are the emotional and mental scars left on innocent men, women and children.
Many families were also separated as a result of this tragic event.  In cases of mixed marriages, children were made to stay with Algerian parents. Many have also been reported missing.  At the meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, I met a Moroccan victim named Miloud. As he stated, “I was walking back from school and when I arrived home I found my family in a small Police van and was thrown on the borders of Morocco.” As with Miloud, many Moroccans still carry this bitterness of suffering and the brutal separation from their families and relatives.
When we study the political impasse between Algeria and Morocco, we normally limit it to the Sahara conflict and Polisario. Rarely do we address the tragic event for which Moroccan and Algerian families continue to pay a high price. As human beings, not Moroccans or Algerians, we should champion the cause of the victims of this unjust expulsion and echo their call on the United Nations to open an international investigation into the violations of law committed against them.

Algeria: Mind Your Own Business!

 No one denies that Algeria and I mean here the army Generals and the Algerian state have been one of the most important factors in the conflict between Morocco and the Polisario. The latter’s goal , since its formation, was to oust the foreign occupier from the southern provinces of Morocco but all of a sudden its aim changed with Algeria’s interference even though that it maintains no territorial claim over Western Sahara but continues to be the Polisario backer militarily, financially, diplomatically and morally. Up until now and after 35 years since this conflict started, Algeria holds the same general status; encourage, boost, back and support the Polisario ideology.

The conflict over the Moroccan Sahara plays a significant role in the stability of the Greater Maghreb and the regional relations which led to an almost total failure of efforts for the Maghreb Union. This conflict did not  only affect the regional cooperation of 87 million Maghrebis but also the fate of 90,000 Moroccan Saharaoui still sequestered in the camps of Tindouf.It has also increased terrorist acts stemming from Tindouf camps which greatly affected the stability and security of the neighboring countries. Despite the political and economic instability, the dire human rights conditions in the Tindouf camps, the Western Sahara dispute remains not taken seriously by the international community and stays unfortunately among the “forgotten conflicts”.

Instead of peace and reconciliation, the Moroccan-Algerian relations remained strained under Bouteflika’s regime which sought only to hinder the peace process of the Western Sahara conflict. Since his accession to the presidency, Bouteflika has been guided by the Algerian Generals to show little interest in appeasing and conciliating the relations with Morocco. 

This can be explained through the categorical refusal to open the Moroccan-Algeria borders despite the endless and unprecedented efforts that Morocco undertook-especially with the arrival of the new Morocco Foreign minister M.El Othmani- to transcend the differences between the two countries. Another motive that shows ideational factors behind Algeria role in the Western Sahara conflict is its conception that a simpatico or proxy state in Western Sahara would give easy access to the Atlantic for natural resources exportation.

It is without a doubt that Algeria is the main, bigger influencing factor of the Polisario more than any country in the world and its financial assistance to the Polisario activities overseas is boundless. Algerian officials stated clearly and in a number of time that this conflict should be in the hands of the Security Council. They made it clear that Algeria will reinforce its cooperation with Morocco in the media sector while avoiding any biased information regarding the Western Sahara conflict but  Algeria continues to have a critical point of view in the conflict. It stays the bigger influencing factor of the Polisario more than any country in the world and its financial assistance to the Polisario activities overseas is boundless. Until when?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tindouf population is affected by fuel crisis and the Polisario military regime evade responsibility

  Fuel exclusive distribution the Polisario military authority own  is still smuggled to its neighboring Mauritania instead its real place: the Tindouf Camps.  These fuel tanks are smuggled through different means by the corrupt  military Polisario who get rich at the expense of their compatriot .

The scarcity of fuel in the camps lead to the paralysis  of  transportation means between the Tindouf Camps   unabled many  Sarahawis to visit their  relatives .  Families now in Tindouf are faced not only with this fuel  crisis but also  the fear of the increase of food prices resulting from the lack of goods that  doesn`t reach the camps. 

Now that the fuel distribution center retain only small amounts of fuel  make  life become burdensome for the inhabitants in these camps of shame; many with dire health conditions who require to be taken to the hospitals can`t afford to do it due to the lack of fuel .  Mant Hmiya Aghlana,  a woman of 60 years olds who suffers from a chronic disease  had to wait in her sons`s car for more than seven hours in order for  her son to get the necessary fuel  to take to her  to her weekly medical checkup. For this family , it becomes a nightmare that certainly threatens the health of the mother .

These open acts perpetrated by the Polisario regime de facto affected the population in Tindouf economically , socially and humanly and need to be condemned by the international law.More than that, the International community need  to take urgent and effective measure to protect the sequestered Saharawi population from the ruthless oppression of the Polisario who deprive these people from the basic human rights set in the International declaration of Human Rights.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Appeal from a Washington based Think Tank to close the Tindouf Camps by Yasmine Hasnaoui

  Again, the truth has come out  to show the danger that these camps of shame represent. A Washington based think tank has released a powerful   report that strongly calls for the closure for  Algeria backed  camps  and controlled by the Polisario; a separatist movement that saw light in the seventies and whose mission was to oust the Spanish occupier from the Moroccan territories but it soon turned into a separatist movement having as a sole objective to affect Moroccan sovereignty without any valid reason. In this report on terrorism released on February 3rd, Yonah Alexander the director of the Center for International Studies on Terrorism, under the Potomac Institute argues that ``these camps have become under the influence of the militias of the Polisario, a fertile ground for recruitment into terrorist networks, all kinds of traffickers and criminal gangs, hence the need for their closure".

On the other hand, Yonah Alexander states that during his visit in Dakhla, a south province of Morocco,  he witnessed  many opportunities in term of human development that this region offers to its inhabitants. Many who fled the Tindouf camps and   joined their mother land Morocco were fully integrated into the society to become productive citizens.

Indeed these camps represent a real danger to the stability and the security in the Maghreb.  Not only that , I personally believe that these camps of shame  need to be closed not only because they are the hub of terrorism but also it is  approaching genocide where a population is sequestered against its will , badly nourished , denied the  freedom of movement  as well the choice to leave or stay ….. We know who is to blame, we know who constantly puts  unprecedented stumbling blocks  to all of this: Not AMERICA,  NOT THE EUROPEAN UNION NOT MOROCCO  as this last has presented a solution that is recognized   by the international community  as `` serious , realistic and credible `….IT`S MAINLY ALGERIA WITH ITS GENERALS  

Friday, December 16, 2011

مأزق البوليساريو في زمن التحول الديمقراطي العربي

مأزق البوليساريو في زمن التحول الديمقراطي العربي

          يبدوا أن جبهة البوليساريو أصبحت تعاني حالة إرباك واحتقان سياسي على الصعيدين الداخلي والخارجي، هذه الحالة تنبأ بانفجار قريب من داخلها ، خاصة وان جبهة البوليساريو لم تتفاعل مع التطورات التي فرضها الحراك السياسي بالمنطقة العربية و المغاربية بصفة خاصة، فبعد أن فقدت الجبهة اكبر الداعمين لها العقيد معمر القدافي، و ضعف مكانة الجزائر دوليا بسبب موقفها من الثوار بليبيا، والذي جعلها تقف موقف معاكس لإرادة شعب في تحقيق مصيره و سعيه إلى الحرية والكرامة ، أصبحت تحاول ترحيل أزمتها إلى الخارج محاولة بذلك تغطية فشلها بتوجيه الرأي العام إلى القضايا الخارجية وإثارة ملفات حقوقية تتعلق بأحداث داخل الصحراء ، والواضح أن هذا الاحتقان ازداد مع موعد انعقاد المؤتمر الثالث عشر لجبهة البوليساريو في الأيام القادمة. والذي يمر وسط تغطية إعلامية ضعيفة لتحضيراته عكس المعتاد ، بالإضافة إلى غياب التصريحات النارية التي كانت تطلقها قيادة البوليساريو قبل كل مؤتمر مهددة بالعودة إلى حمل السلاح من اجل تحرير الصحراء. مدركة بهذا أن مثل هذا الخطاب لم يعد له صدى لا داخل مخيمات تندوف أو بالخارج .
     إن التطورات التي يعرفها المغرب و التحولات السياسية التي تجرى فيه خاصة بعد نجاحه في تنظيم انتخابات تشريعية اجمع كل المتتبعين الدوليين والمحليين والأحزاب السياسية بأنها مرت في أجواء ديمقراطية و نزيهة ، مما انعكست إيجابا على صورة المغرب و عززت من مكانته داخل المجتمع الدولي، وقوت موقفه فيما يتعلق بملف الصحراء. خاصة بعد بقاء نسبة مشاركة الصحراويين في الانتخابات مرتفعة، بل وتميزت بكونها كانت مشاركة نوعية من خلال إقبال الشباب عليها ترشيحا وتصويتا، ولقد شكلت هذه المشاركة الكبيرة والنوعية ضربة قوية لجبهة البوليساريو التي دعت الصحراويين إلى مقاطعة الانتخابات بالأقاليم الصحراوية، هذه الدعوة كانت مؤشرا قويا على التراجع القوي لموقف الجبهة وتحول ظاهر في موقفها من مسألة إجراء الانتخابات بالصحراء، فبعد أن كانت تعتبر أن الصحراء ارض متنازع عليها وان القضية هي قضية تصفية الاستعمار، وعدم قانونية إجراء أي انتخابات بها. إلى اقتصار دعوتها للصحراويين بمقاطعة الانتخابات فقط ، وهو تحول يجعل جبهة البوليساريو تقف موقف أحزاب وحركات مغربية تتقاسم معها نفس الموقف الداعي إلى المقاطعة .
    إن المأزق الذي دخلت فيه قيادة البوليساريو وحالة الفوضى التي تعرفها مخيمات تندوف تؤشر عن مدى الضعف الذي أصبحت تعاني منه هذه القيادة ، أمام ظهور معارضة متعددة و قوية من الداخل تضم شخصيات وازنة في مخيمات تندوف .
                                         محمد الزكراوي
منتدى دعم مؤيدي الحكم الذاتي بتندوف
فرع اسبانيا

لقد عملت قيادة البوليساريو على إقصاء الأطياف والنخب الحية من الفاعلين والشباب الصحراويين

حركة شباب قبيلة أولاد داوود
إلى حضرة السيد بان كي مون
الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة
السيد الأمين العام :
بصفتكم المسؤول الأول على أعلى هيئة أممية، وانطلاقا من دواعي الإحساس بمسؤوليتكم اتجاه معاناة الشعوب، نتوجه إليكم برسالتنا هذه لنحيطكم علما بما آلت إليه أوضاع الصحراويين بمخيمات تيندوف جنوب الجزائر، في ظل اتخاذ قرارات ارتجالية وترقيعية من طرف الماسكين بزمام الأمور، بالإظافة إلى المناورات التي تعرفها تحضيرات المؤتمر الثالث عشر لجبهة البوليساريو المزمع انعقاده بين 15 و 19 دجنبر 2011 الذي يعد بمثابة بصيص أمل بالنسبة للصحراويين خصوصا مع الربيع العربي وما تفرضه الساحة السياسية من تحولات عميقة، إلا أن كل المؤشرات لا تبعث على الاطمئنان، في غياب تام للمنهجية والصراحة والمنطق السياسي.
السيد الأمين العام :
لقد عملت قيادة البوليساريو على إقصاء الأطياف والنخب الحية من الفاعلين والشباب الصحراويين، وأبقت على مشاركين ينتمون إلى شريحة معينة لا تخالف للقادة رأي، دورها الحفاظ على القيادة الحالية، ورفع أصوات مزورة باسم الشعب الصحراوي. كما لجأت قيادة البوليساريو إلى نهج أساليب مختلفة لغرض استمرار الوضع إلى ما لا نهاية من خلال المتاجرة بالمبادئ العامة ومشاعر الصحراويين.
السيد الأمين العام :
في ظل الوضعية المزرية، التي يعيشها المواطنون الصحراويون في مخيمات اللاجئين بتندوف والأفق المسدود، الذي وصلت إليه القضية الصحراوية، بسبب السياسة الارتجالية وغير الحكيمة للقيادة الحالية لجبهة البوليساريو، في إيجاد حل عاجل وعادل لهذه القضية، أصبح الأمر يتطلب أكثر من أي وقت مضى تدخل هيئتكم، بصفتها الكفيل الرئيسي للشعب الصحراوي من أجل الآتي :
أ- التدخل من أجل تجاوز حالة الجمود، التي يعرفها ملف الصحراء، الذي وصل إلى الطريق المسدود، الشيء الذي نتج عنه إحساس بالإحباط والشك في المستقبل لدى كافة الصحراويين.
ب-    الضغط على قيادة البوليساريو وإجبارها على السير قدما بالملف نحو الحل.
ج- تدخل الأمم المتحدة لإقرار الديمقراطية وفرض التغيير ومحاربة الفساد داخل المخيمات، على غرار المواقف الإنسانية والمشرفة، التي اتخذتها المنظمة في حالات عربية وإفريقية ودولية.